Welcome to Strengthn Fitness
We are a family-owned independent gym based in Hadfield, just outside Glossop, offering functional fitness classes for all abilities. Our classes are based around high-intensity workouts combined with functional movement. Our programming is designed to build your strength and power alongside improving your cardiovascular endurance resulting in you being fitter, healthier and happier!
Why Our Gym?

Why Strengthn Fitness?
Joining a gym can be intimidating, we honestly understand. Believe us when we say that no matter where you are in your fitness journey, it is totally normal to find yourself feeling insecure about starting something new or joining a new group of people.
At Strengthn Fitness we all train together, no matter what your level of experience is. The goal we set for everyone is simple - To Improve.
This is achievable for every single person who walks through our door.
We promise to make that happen. All you have to do is turn up.
Our Classes

Functional Fitness
Olympic Lifting
These classes are a mix of strength training & conditioning, skill work, core development & mobility. We have designed these classes to follow a progressive program allowing continuous development and progression no matter what your fitness level is.
Each class is scalable to every level of ability from complete beginners to advanced athletes, including those recovering from injury.
We also offer ladies-only functional fitness classes several times a week.
These classes introduce and develop the fundamental skills of Olympic Lifting. The 3 main movements that will be covered are the Clean, the Jerk and the Snatch. Olympic lifting movements are an incredible tool to help develop your overall strength and power.
The benefits of strength training for every single person are far reaching but include reducing your day-to-day risk of injury, increasing your bone density and it is also incredible for fat burning!
These classes focus on the classic gymnastic movements found in our functional fitness classes. These include movements like handstand work, skipping, pull ups and toes to bar, rope climbs and more.
Learning and honing new skills is not only incredibly beneficial for your body and mind, it is also great fun! We will focus on teaching you progressive movements in each of these areas so you can unlock new skills you never thought possible.

This is a fitness class aimed at giving mums the opportunity and the support to reintroduce fitness to their routine. We encourage you to bring your little one with you!
In this class, you will focus on core work, pelvic floor development as well as introducing weight training in a safe way.
It also gives you the opportunity to socialise with other mums too!
You must be at least 8 weeks post-partum and/or cleared for postnatal exercise by your doctor.
Kids & Teens Classes
These classes are designed to teach young people quality movement, safe technique and that fitness is fun!
Just like the adult classes, the Kids & Teens classes are based around combining functional movement, gymnastics, olympic lifting and conditioning.
We divide the classes into two groups: Kids 8-12yr olds and Teens 13-16yr olds.
Open Gym & Personal Training
Open Gym sessions are available for any athletes who would like to work on their own training. These sessions are not coached, however there will always be a member of the team there to help if you need anything!
Personal Training is available for anyone who would like 1-1 coaching. Whether this is part of a rehabilitation program, you are training for a specific goal or event or you would like to work on a particular skill.
We are always available to provide individual training sessions for any reason should you require it!
If you are a PT and looking for a great place to work with your clients then please get in touch as we would be happy to help.
Get in Touch